Embr Wave 2 thermostat wearable

I've heard about these for about 10 years or so now. I was a bit skeptical at first. I mean when you're having a hot flash or chill and you're miserable. This watch don't tell time or track steps. However it has a ceramic tile on it that heats and cools the inner side of your wrist to give the sensation. That you are warming up or cooling off. This doesn't affect the body temperature or skin temperatures at all. It just gives the sensation. Such as holding a glass of ice water or coffee in your hand. By doing so it can make you feel up to 5°F cooler or warmer nearly instantly. Most oncologist recommend it to patients as the only form of true relief from both hot flashes and chills. It sells for around $300 if you purchase the device. I'm doing so you owe nothing farther. However, you can sign up for a $20/mo. Embr-Ship you pay a one time activation and the $20/mo. You get a lifetime warranty and future upgrades. As well as discounted accessories. If you do the Embr-Ship save your box and packaging. You'll be charged for the box if you cancel and decide to return it.


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